Thursday 27 September 2012

Apple: iOS6

            Just recently, the Apple corporation has released a new operating system update for all Apple products, which in this case was iOS6. I personally do not find this update to be all that good. In this update they changed minor things such as having the top bar of your screen be a shade of blue rather than black, and having a few more options when dealing with photo albums. The one thing, however, that I and many others hate, is the new mapping system. For reasons I am not aware of, and quite possibly would not be able to fathom, Apple decided to get rid of the standard google maps app that came with the product, and replaced with their own mapping system. The reason I do not approve of this change is because the new mapping system is in all ways inferior to the previous google maps app. With this new map, all areas in Canada are black and white, and no street names are provided. However if an address is entered it will still pinpoint it. But the sheer fact that there is no display of streets around you is astonishing at least.

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