Thursday 27 September 2012

My Thoughts on the Religion Retreat

         Although it was a someone neat experience, I thought the overall trip was unnecessary. It was a good thought to visit the remains of our patron saint, but the 2 and a half hour drive there almost made the trip not even worth going. We left at 7:20AM and arrived 2 hours and 30 minutes later, which puts us at nearly 10AM. We then stayed and did the boring activities until 2PM and then arrived back at school around 5PM. That means we spent 4 hours at Midland and around 5 hours in the bus. The fact that the drive was most of our day really put a dent into what this trip was supposed to be about, and I recommend changing it in the future if we want to have a truly successful Religion Retreat.

The impossiblilities of getting a job D:

It is so hard to get a job these days, I have been going all around the area in search for my first real job. the reason I want a job so badly is because I am saving up for a car and wish to be able to buy my own things, without being trapped in the endless web of guilt from family members. Just to list off some places I have applied are staples, McDonalds, ToysRus, Subway, Talize, Food Basics, Tim Hortons, and many more. I have dropped off nearly 50 resume's to 50 local stores and I haven't even had as much as a callback from any of these places. I have been pondering for hours how this could be possible. And i have discovered maybe it is the large amount of elderly seeking jobs for not exactly entertainment, but just for something to do. I don't think it is fair for me to being busting my hump trying to find a job so I can start my life, and failing to attain one, just because some old geezer wants someone to talk to on the day to day bases.

Apple: iOS6

            Just recently, the Apple corporation has released a new operating system update for all Apple products, which in this case was iOS6. I personally do not find this update to be all that good. In this update they changed minor things such as having the top bar of your screen be a shade of blue rather than black, and having a few more options when dealing with photo albums. The one thing, however, that I and many others hate, is the new mapping system. For reasons I am not aware of, and quite possibly would not be able to fathom, Apple decided to get rid of the standard google maps app that came with the product, and replaced with their own mapping system. The reason I do not approve of this change is because the new mapping system is in all ways inferior to the previous google maps app. With this new map, all areas in Canada are black and white, and no street names are provided. However if an address is entered it will still pinpoint it. But the sheer fact that there is no display of streets around you is astonishing at least.

League of Legends: Nidalee

              Nidalee is one of the fierce champions in the league of legends. Nidalee is usually either an AD bruiser which means she is beefy in the sense she has a larger amount of health and is durable, but also can output some very good damage. Another way of playing Nidalee is by stacking alot of ability power, which will cause her spear tosses to do massive amounts of damage. This however is a more squishy build and is at greater risk of being killed.

              The lore of Nidalee says that she got lost in the thick jungles of Domacia and Noxus while her and her parents were treasure hunting. Although her parents died of disease, she was taken in as a child by a group of cougars and raised as their own.

Thursday 13 September 2012

Malcolm in the Middle

         This popular t.v. show is called Malcolm in the Middle. It depicts the life of Malcolm (Frankie Muniz) and his wacky family and all of the unfortunate things that happen to him. Malcolm is the middle child (hence the name Malcolm in the Middle) and is very smart, some might say genius. Coincidentally, Malcolm seems to be the most unlucky person on the earth sometimes, most of his problems coming from his family. Malcolm's brother reese (older brother) is a violent, half-witted miscreant. Malcolm does take part in alot of the hooliganism with reese and is commonly in trouble. Malcolm's mother Lois is a complete and utter control freak. Even though many of the times it seems like she is doing what is best, she very often freaks out and gives insane punishments to the boys.

Five guys Burgers and Fries

      The epic deliciousness known as "Five Guys Burgers and Fries" is by far the best burger establishment that I have ever eaten in. From the moment you walk in, to the moment you leave, you are in pure bliss. Even first timers instinctively know how good the burgers are just from the menu. Five Guys Burgers and Fries has a wide range of toppings for your burgers such as peppers, mushrooms, anchovies, onions, and the list goes on. Every burger is given two patties and buying order of fries is basically getting two. Your order is contained in a brown paper bag, which shows that they don't need a fancy bag to be awesome. They first put your nicely wrapped burger in, then the fries, and they must seem to know how hungry you are, because the dump a whole order worth of fries on top of your actual order. After the epic nom nom nom fest, you leave completely satisfied.

Big Brother

           Big Brother is the popular summertime reaility show that showcases 12-14 people that have never met each other and locks them together in a house in a competition for a grand prize of 500,000 dollars. Every week there are three episodes, each of them having a different event taking place.

Thursdays are the most important days of the Big Brother week. It is the only day that the footage is live to the viewers. On the first Thursday of each big brother season (air date), the house guests compete for what is called that "HoH", which stands for head of household. The benefits and duties of being the Head of Household is that you are immune to eviction, and more importantly nominate two house guests to be on the chopping block (Which is two house guests that are nominated to be evicted). Every Thursday after the air date not only contain the HoH competition, but also has the Live eviction before it.
The next day of the Big Brother week is Sundays. These days are focused on Head of Household nominations, which is the ceremony that the Head of Household puts two house guests up for nominations. This day of the week also has a competition in which the people that preform the worst will be punished by sleeping in an uncomfortable room and are only allowed to eat slop and a dish that is America's choice.

The Last Day of the Big Brother week before the cycle repeats is Wednesday, which is the Power of Veto competition. The Power of Veto gives the player the power to remove a player off of the chopping block (essentially saving them), or to keep the nominations the same. Only the two nominated players, the HoH, and three randomly drawn people can play in the Veto competition. When a player used the Power of Veto on another player, the HoH is forced to replace the saved house guest with another house guest (Cannot be the winner of the PoV)

Tuesday 11 September 2012

World of Warcraft: The Elements

                   Back when Azeroth was created, the Old Gods created Four Elemental Lords to keep balance over the world of Azeroth. The Four elements are earth, air, fire and water. Each element has an elemental lord that rules over their given territory.

          Al'Akir the Windlord is absolute ruler over the skies, air and storms.He is the weakest of the four Elemental Lords of the Old Gods. His domain is the sky over the Elemental Plane, which touches all of the other elements. Consequently, it "...interacts with them more than any other, and yet he is the most capricious and aloof of all the Lords. He is as likely to stir up trouble one day as he is to casually ignore incursions the next." His mood can quickly change, much like the weather. He is revered by all air elementals and creatures that fly. It is said that he is aware of all air spells that are cast anywhere throughout the multiverse - although this might be true, he rarely becomes personally involved in their resolution unless they affect him directly.

Neptulon the Tidehunter reigns supreme in his domain, the deep ocean. Users of boats and other such water-crossing utilities risk his wrath; entering his domain without express permission is tantamount to doom. He revels in taking those whom feel invulnerable, especially Therazane's rocky beaches and the flames of Ragnoros, when given the chance. He rules over all water, whether it be the sea, the ocean, river or lake. All water elementals worship him, as do all creatures that use water or the cold for their abilities. It is said that when an intelligent creature drowns, his or her soul will pass through his realm on the way to its end. It is supposed that he keeps those souls which amuse and interest him, but Neptulon only laughs at such suppositions.

 Therazane the Stonemother is ruler over the earth, dirt, rock, and mountains. She is revered by all earth elementals and creatures that dwell underneath the ground. Some druids of the wild see her as the embodiment of all that is peaceful and calm about the world. Some sages believe she feels pain whenever the ground is sundered and weeps at the destruction wrought by Deathwing and his ilk. If so, however, she has done nothing specific to oppose the great dragon. Therazane is the most peaceful of the Elemental Lords. She is a patient, loving, motherly type who encourages growing things and loves simply to spend long periods of time relaxing with those creatures that make their homes upon her.

 Ragnaros the Firelord is an incredibly powerful Elemental Lord and master of all fire elementals. He rules over his minions from deep inside the firey core of Blackrock Mountain. In the raid "Molten Core" the various players of World of Warcraft defeated Ragnaros, however he was not destroyed. When an elemental lord is killed in Azeroth, it is sent back to it's Elemental Plane. In the latest expansion of World of Warcraft, Ragnaros is defeated once again in his elemental plane, and is forever destroyed.