Thursday 8 November 2012

The Hunt for a New Support

 For a while now I have been searching for a champion to play as for a support roll other than Sona. Sona is alright in the sense she can provide health to her carry, but I was thinking of a good support tank that I would enjoy playing with that provides good crowd control.  Well I notice that Leona was on sale for RP this week and I decided to take a chance on her and buy her. I do not regret my decision whatsoever. Leona is a very good tank that not only is very beefy, but provides great amount of crowd control for her team to secure kills. Early game Leona is a very good aggressive partner with a ranged damage champion, because she zones the enemy damage champion away from his creep wave, causing him to get less creep kills. Leona does thus by standing in a nearby bush, scaring the enemy away from getting to close. The enemy knows that the moment they get to close they will be lunged upon and stunned, giving your team the best chance at securing 1 to 2 easy kills. So the choice for the enemy is to either stay back and lose overall creep score, which leaves them with less gold and fall behind on items, and therefore be weak in the game. Or to try and get creep kills and end up feeding and dying. Which just gives your damage champion kills and furthers their gold and item supply.

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