Thursday 11 October 2012

How My Day Went

   Today, my peers and I set off to McMaster University to compete against other schools in a physics related event. Out of the many events to choose from, my group chose the egg toss. The event sounds simple, create a device to put an egg inside, throw the device at the target, and allow the egg to survive. The task seemed much easier than it was. We spent hours testing different techniques of construction so that the egg would not shatter, nearly all of them failing miserably. We finally got one to work that we did not entirely expect to work. Our device was a large amount of straws taped side by side to appear as if its a raft of some sort. We then rapped the straws around the egg and bent the ends together to create a somewhat football shape. After taping some sponge around the devices perimeter, our project was complete. We completed the task to it's fullest potential and were very very very happy ;D

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