Wednesday 4 April 2012


          This might sound bad, but if you are under the age of 20 and you do not recognize the word above I personally believe your life should end immediately. Pokemon is one of the most iconic and fun children's show and game and quite frankly I still like it to this day. For those of you who do not know, Pokemon is a show that takes place in a world where all animals are replaced with pokemon. These pokemon are able to be caught, trained, and battle against other pokemon and their trainers.

         Over the years there have been many new regions of pokemon which include (in order) Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, and Unova. Each of these regions contain new pokemon which throughout the years have greatly changed

Things I hate

Throughout life I have come across many things and people that I strongly dislike, or even HATE.
although not all of them deserve my hatred I'm pretty sure most of them do, and after showing you some of these things you'll understand.
We've all seen these people before. Those dumb teenagers that think their so cool and original because they dress up weird and dye their hair. I believe all of these people just want attention because they never received it at home. Well this isn't the way to get that attention so they should stop. In my eyes unique is a just a word that was invented so that certain people could make themselves feel better. And I do not agree with anyone that thinks this appearance and behavior should be accepted in society

Lately I've heard a lot of this Kony situation and I just think that it's not even worth the time to think about. When I say this I am not intending that this issue does not occur in africa, just as much I am not saying it is. I am just tired of north america being that parents of the world and having to solve every single issue that arises on earth. Why should everyone in north america give money to other countries simply because they had a natural disaster, I'm pretty sure earthquakes and tsunami's are a risk that everyone must accept exists on this planet, and we should not be required to bail them out. I'm not saying that we should exile ourselves from every other country on earth, but I wish that other countries could solve their own problems ad leave us alone.

      This next one is difficult to obtain a picture of, however I am going to describe it as best as I can. Have you ever been sitting down with some friends and some person you and your friends do not really even know sits down with you guys and decides to just hang around there? And then you and all of your friends go silent and do not say a word, yet the kid doesn't take a hint and remains there. I hate those situations. Why is it that most people cannot sense the awkwardness and just leave. Most people will say to just ignore the person and carry on with the conversation, but is it so weird to not want to talk about things in front of some person you do not even know.

          These are only a few things that I find wrong with society and if I had all day I could write much more

Soul Eater

           Soul eater is an anime that takes place is death city. Now normally you would think of death being an evil character, but in this case he is actually a good person and principal of Meister Academy. this academy is a school where meisters and weapons go to to learn how to fend themselves against evil and to eventually become a death scythe.

This is Soul, he is a weapon. Weapons are people who have the ability to morph themselves into a weapon which are used by meisters. In this anime weapons are to eat evil kishin souls (99 of them) and eventually a witch soul. After this they can become a death scythe, which is a weapon used by Death himself. Although weapons are very effective with partners (meisters) they can usually attack in human form as well with some part of their body.
This is Maka, she is a meister. Meisters are to use 
weapons in combat but also have some magical powers they can use to defend themselves and increase the effectiveness of their weapon. Throughout the series maka and soul work together to become a strong team and over throw the antagonist of the plot, the Kishin.